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© Copyright 2006
Distance Vol Libre

hang gliding lessons

The training of a hangglider pilot at Distance Vol Libre is very similar to the training of a paraglider pilot. The main difference is hangglider pilots training also includes 3 or 4 lessons on a motorised ultra-light aircraft. For hangglider and paraglider free flight, training is divised in two parts: Ground handling and training hill, and high altitude flights.

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Hang-Gliding #1; 2995$+tax


Flight manual and log book.

16 hours of theory, 10 hours of ground school, 10 hours of equipment rental for personal practice;

* Student must have entered a minimum of 50 flights in slope-school;

10 tandem tow-flights at 2500'

25 supervised solo flights (with a minimum of 15 from the mountain, and a maximum of 10 on the tow-line.

Description of the first part of training.

hang gliding lessonsYour first lessons on the hangglider will mainly be dedicated to discovering the gear, the glider, the basic handling of the wing on the ground and in the wind. This step is relatively short compared to the rest but is needed. You will learn to set up and brake down a glider and learn to run around and get the feeling of the air and the wing. It generaly takes 2 or 3 lessons to be comfortable with what is learned in this part of the training.Haut Up

The following lessons focus on learning and practicing to launch and land a hangglider. At DVL, we've created a custom 60 foot academic training hill, specially adapted for hanggliding and paragliding. The key steps in this first part are: Controlling the glider, the launching procedure, piloting the glider and landing. The training hill flights last a few seconds and will prepare you for your first solo winch launched flights (for info on winch launching check the link in the ''frequently asked questions'' section) and mountain flights. Usually 5 or 6 lessons on the training hill are needed to complete this first part. You may also, at any time of your training, sign-up for a tandem training flight with your instructor in order to practice your manouvers. This step is not generally a requirement however it may be recommended or in certain cases required by your instructor. Practicing solo on the ground and on the training hill is highly recommended as it helps you get better prepared for the objectives in each lesson.
Haut Up

Along with your training hill program, lessons on an ultra-light aircraft (motorized hangglider trike) in tandem with your instructor will permit you to rapidly assimilate basic piloting technics and landing approaches. Three 30 minute lessons are generally anough for you to reach the next step: your solo altitude flights. (Tandem flights on the ultra-lights are available every morning from 9h00 to 11h00 and 26h00 to 20h00 on week-ends)
Haut Up


Description of the second part of training.

hang gliding school

When you've mastered the first part of the training, you'll be ready for your first solo flights. This part’s requirements are the same as for paragliding: you must fly 30 solo high altitude flights while guided by your instructors. Your first flights will be done mornings or eavenings when the air is calme or even in the afternoon at the tow winch (cable winch towing), for safe, confidence building and fun flights. While flying from the mountain, you will be in constant radio contact with two instructors, one on launch and the other at the landing zone. They will guide you on launch, during your flight and during your landing procedures. Once the basic flight manoeuvres are assimilated in smooth air, you progress to flying mi-day. These thermal flights will let you discover the art of flying in rising air, to understand it and to master it in order to go higher and further. Haut Up

hang gliding trainingAlbeit that most of the training is acheived in practice, with theory being covered as you progress, you’ll need a minimum of 8 hours of classroom theoretical courses in order to achieve the requirements of the novice rating. This training covers various topics such as meteorology, flight theory, air regulations, security and aerodynamics, ect...

Haut Up

When you’ve acheived the skills to fly in different weather conditions and different aerology, you will be considered by your instructor to be autonomous. You will then be granted a certification permiting the you to fly alone.

All the required gear is supplied during your training. Once you get your certification, you will need your own to fly as we don’t offer rental equipment.
Haut Up

We can recommend what to fly when you get your own gear, and we’ll gladly demo products from our boutique.
Haut Up



Hang-Gliding #2; 3499$+tax


Flight manual and log book.

2 hours in-depth teory

16 hours of theory,

2 hours on the student hill

2 hours of equipment rental for personal practice

15 tandem tow-flights at 2500'

15 supervised solo flights on the tow-line at 2000.

Description of the first part of training.

Same as Hang-glider#1

Comparison and advantages of this training package:

Muuch shorter training time.

This package is specifically designed for tow-flying, wich has the advantage of flying without wasting any time, by optimizing and repeating flights in a short time-frame.

The tandem flights allow the student to fly in much more turbulent conditions and experience aerological conditions that would otherwise be out of the reach of the student.



We are open daily for ground lessons, training hill and high flights.


Hang gliding ground lessons


hang gliding lessons


9 h to noon


9 h to noon


9 h to noon


9 h to noon


9 h to noon


9 h to 17 h


9 h to 17 h


Ground and training hill lessons are by appointment and according to your availabilities. We recommend making reservations one week ahead to make sure you get a lesson the time and date of your choice. Haut Up


Tow winch flights


hang gliding lessons, training




15h to 19h




15h to 19h




15h to 19h


15h to 19h

Haut Up

Mountain flights


hang gliding lessons


9h to 17h


9h to 17h


9h to 17h


9h to 17h


9h to17h


9h to 17h


9h to 17h

Hang gliding and Paragliding training is essentially the same. The goal is to get your novice rating from the Canadian Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (HPAC) in order to fly anywhere in the world.

We reccomend you call in the morning before coming to the mountain to make sure the weather is suitable for flying and learning.Haut Up 
